
CrossFit Classes

CrossFit Classes are open to all athletes who have completed the On Ramp Program or have significant CrossFit training experience (6+ months).  CrossFit classes typically include four distinct elements for a well-balanced and effective workout. Your certified CrossFit Coach will lead you through the entire class.  Be sure to sign up for classes, as we cap our classes, to maintain quality coach to athlete attention. All of the classes are scalable to every level of fitness.  Your Coach will work with you to modify and/or scale your workout program to be appropriate for your fitness and skill level.

Here’s how your typical class will look:

Buy In: Specific warm up to prepare your body for the movements ahead.

Strength / Skill: lift in a controlled setting to gain useful strength (e.g. back squat, deadlift, & more) or practice a skill to improve technique/strength (gymnastics, kettle bells, running).

the workout of the day maximizes your ability to use energy (burn calories & fat) and increases your work capacity = RESULTS!

Cash Out:  additional mobility drills, skill practice, strength training, and conditioning workouts to maximize your fitness or sport-specific goals (to be completed after class)

Monthly Memberships:

2x/week: $115/month
3x/week: $140/month

Unlimited: $160/month
*prices do not include GST are subject to change 
*family, student, emergency service, and package discounts available

Specialty Weightlifting Classes


Looking to improve your Olympic lifts? Join our NCCP certified coaches for a crash course on weightlifting and specialized programming, scalable to all levels!

Here’s what your typical class will look like:

    • Back to basics with progressive programming
    • Full breakdown of olympic lifts
    • Variations of lifts and supplementary movements
    • Periodized programming for train to train, and train to compete athletes
    • Full coaching provided for anyone who wishes to compete at club level